An accurate depiction of an Anonymous operation
That's really nice of them.
Look, we can all agree that bronies are a bunch of abortions that weren't properly burned, and we fully support the eradication of sites like Everfree Network, the life blood of the most unholy of autists. But please don't hurt FINALDRAFT, THE KING OF ALL OF US. HE IS TOO SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT TO THE COMMUNITY AND IF ANYTHING EVER HAPPENED THEN BY GOD THE BRONIES COULDN'T SURVIVE.
However, the generous people at Operation MLPoison are here to do something about all of the awful and clearly dangerous things bronies have done.
![]() |
It needs to be about 20% edgier. Maybe make it Rarity and add bruises. |
"My sister never let me play with Rarity, even though I have style! Why should they get to be retarded with their pony waifus and all I get is the hot pockets my mom brings me! It's not fair! [various screeching sounds]" - EpicTrollzor69
Truly the bronies are in trouble now. Such Titans of the internet are here to save everyone from....greasy neckbeards and larger girls' toy sales? I guess.
Look, what ever the case may be, we here at Horse-News fully support the Operation so long as they get rid of the worst of the worst, like EquestriaDaily, Everfree Network, Bronyland, PinkiePony, r/mylittlepony (That's on Reddit Operation MLPoison members! Remember, get a parent's permission!), Derpibooru, half of Tumblr, The Hub Network website, Meghan McCarthy's twitter, and Rush Limbaugh. In fact, as thanks for all of this, we would like to offer Scoots as a kissless virgin sacrifice.
Now Operation Member go to bed! You've got a big day of eating Totino's pizza rolls and playing Call Of Duty with no sunlight, tomorrow. True warriors you are!
You are legionz, amirite?
Well nothing happened. I didn't even get one dildo...
Well nothing happened. I didn't even get one dildo...
In these troubling times, it's important to remember that Horse-News and Waifu Body Pillows are here for you and all three of your internet friends.
Oh, /b/.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete"It needs to be about 20% edgier. Maybe make it Rarity and add bruises."
DeleteIt's already been done before ^^
Not sure if legit. If so, how do I get in on this?
ReplyDelete>not understanding bronies
Delete>loving dicks
Are you OP?
>not loving dicks
DeleteNigga, you gay?
What the fuck am I reading?
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly
Delete/b/ doesn't even have a thread for it. Seems the just crusade ended long before it began. A single tear is shed as I am forced to remember the ride never ends. I want to get off Mr.pone's wild ride!
ReplyDelete> - A "news" site used for raids
>DDoSing a google-server based website
ReplyDelete>DDoSing /mlp/
It will be fun to see what happens
I don't even know what the fuck to think anymore. Are there any people who actually are fans of MLP: FiM that are NOT autistic scumbags? They say those people are horsefuckers, but I don't even know if they mean what they say anymore. Bronies and horsefuckers.......feels more like democrats and republicans. What do the two comparisons have in common? Garbage in, garbage out.
ReplyDeleteI'll have you know that I am not a autistic scumbag, and for so long I have not been. Just because we're fans of the show doesn't mean we're horse fuckers or anything like that. It's just the same as any tv show, we are fans and we should be left as such and without critism. Since you don't like the show you should just fuck off to where you came from.
DeleteShit like that is why people hate us.
He didn't say he didn't like the show.
He said he didn't like the people, and everyone is right. We're all cunts, every last one of us and I wish we were dead.
Horsefucker: A sexual deviant with a bent for bestiality.
DeleteBrony: An internet user with an appreciation for art and creativity, specifically for content spawned by a children's show with an unusual demographic of viewers. Generally said people are included in that demographic.
That's not to say the two don't intersect at some point in some dark corner of the internet, but a vast majority of "Bronies" stay far clear of "Horsefucker" territory.
TBH, I'm in it mostly for the art and music. There are incredibly talented people within this particular fandom, and due to their vast numbers they produce more fan-content than practically any other fandom. I'm not sure of exact numbers, but my guess would be that pony fan-works rival Star Trek fan-works in pure numbers. And, I know it's an old example, but Loyalty by MandoPony and AcousticBrony is a phenomenal song regardless of what it came from.
If you take a step back and remove all emotional ties, be they positive or negative, from this phenomenon, you'll see that this entire thing is pretty damn incredible. Those among the community who cause problems already had psychological and emotional issues before this "Brony" thing came along, and are really just the outliers, just as they would be the outliers of a "normal" populous.
We're still waiting for it.
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing about certain 1337 haxxorz is that they cannot comprehend the fact the websites they attack may just have haxxorz of their own, ready to defend themselves.
ReplyDelete"They are the ones who molested a six year old girl wearing an MLP shirt. They are the ones who blow millions of dollars from charity on pone merch." What? Did this actually happen? Eh, good luck with that anonytard faggots.
ReplyDeleteI looked every where for the story of the little girl but couldn't find a damn thing. They seem just as autistic, if not worse, than circa-2011 Mando
DeleteNot sure if legit, but had a good giggle regardless.
ReplyDeleteIf legit, the originator isn't even trying.
ReplyDeleteI kind of wish it were, though, to provide great amusement when it spectacularly and immediately fails and backfires.
i tried befor to take em down ther like fkn hdra from captain america cut off one head two more take its place!
ReplyDeleteplus there evrywere and along with another anon on here yes they have hxxers to they spamed me so much i had to delete my account and reset all my peronal information and i still get fkn hate mail from em. so if you do it know its at own risk
Deletethe guy is tryn to rally people to attack them half the stuff he said i looked for and found no proof! no were did i find that a girl was raped for wearing a pony shirt! i mean he basicly said that to say hey listen all they are are rapist ive seen alot of bronys a mojority are like kids themself 15 to 19 year olds still in school granted thier not normal for likn a kids show but there not causen anyone harm! lika all other things they say what will anger the masses so as to attack a group of people they dont like.
ReplyDelete"81. Anonymous is a virgin by default." well then
ReplyDeleteIs that Gabe Newell as a kid?
ReplyDeleteCan't you read? That's EpicTrollzor69
DeleteSo, I can't tell. Is this a troll?
Delete>this post
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJust let Bronies be Bronies.
ReplyDeleteYou are not anything like Anonymous, because Anonymous is for Freedom and free Speech. Exactly the opposite of what you are going to do.
Think about it. Are you sure, the real Anonymous members won't attack you? Oh, and did I forgot to mention, that the Bronies also have some Hackers on their side? Just be prepared for the counterattack.
I warned you.
Sarcasm is magic
DeleteHow come there are some targets missing from the list, like Mando and JanAnimations?
ReplyDeleteBecause mando is too autistic for his own good and JanAnimations is actually good
Deletethis is retarded, its all fake
ReplyDeleteI agree man it total BS too me
DeleteYes, let the butthurt flow through the /b/tards when it's their bed time and have to stop DDoSing.
ReplyDeleteAlthough no matter what people will always pick out the bad over the good. It's done in every fandom and all walks of life. People judge before they see and make fun of something that they only hear about. Humans in their very nature hate the unknown and change so they fight against it. But there are more and more people everyday that are becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of change and the idea of trying new things. Where do you think this fandom spawned from? Not from a group of football loving jocks I can promise you. So really we don't need to change anything in fact, we need to accept everything and let everyone be who they are.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if the guy who wrote this is joking about bronies (considering the fact that this website is called "Horse News" and has a Rainbow Dash at the top), or is actually encouraging their wipeout.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I knew it wasn't likely anything would actually happen, but it would have been nice to get free dildos and pizza, just for one night.
ReplyDeletei'me waiting ._.
ReplyDeleteas a brony, i gotta say WAT they want to get bronies off the internet? well good luck with that, you'd have a better chance getting rid of The westburo baptist church, maybe that's something you /b/tards should waste your time on instead of a few bro's who like ponies i mean big frigging woop. i don't even consider it to be a big deal any more liking mlp but these haters need to give it a rest, it's completely futile, i'll still like mlp with or without the brony sites, i actually hardly ever use them.
ReplyDeleteIm a brony and Im just sittin' here laughing at all this xD
ReplyDeleteI'm a pegisister/brony, and I am still waiting for the ultimate attack or whatever -_-
ReplyDeleteI am a brony and I just have to say... ha what a bunch of pussies. They want to get rid of bronies because they are afraid, afraid that they will be wiped out instead of the bronies. So I just want to point out that all the kids claiming to write out bronies look fat.
ReplyDeleteLet me just say that if this was a legit attack, they wouldn't have announced the date... I'm pretty sure Hitler never warned the Jews a few weeks in advance to get out of the country if they didn't want to die.
ReplyDeleteComing from the person criticizing the cloppers by calling them idiots. Idiot. Need people be reminded it's just another odd fetish that most people are against, and need people be reminded that there are worse fetishes out there like vore and gore. Seriously, people keep complaining about jacking off to cartoon ponies when there's a ton of other disguising stuff that people find sexually appealing.
ReplyDeleteAs for this whole "operation" thing, to state the obvious, it's clearly fake. Bronies are still alive and the sites are still up and running perfectly. Just another kid looking for attention XP
I am still waiting for my pizza.
ReplyDelete>when there's a ton of other disguising stuff that people find sexually appealing.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't make it any better.
yeah...say that to the military bronies and see how far you get. also ...still waiting for those dildos..
ReplyDeleteI never got my dildo's, nor my pizza. I was a big target too, since I'm popular in the MLP Steam community...How sad.
ReplyDeleteAww :( I wanted some pizza