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You poor misguided fool |
PinkiePony posted this Tumblr note several days ago, ringing her hands like a James Bond villain with what I'm sure is the smug equivalent of FinalDraft's lust for man meat. Laughing in content at her clever post, this reporter heard (on our secret dragon dick vibrator microphone hidden in her drawer) PinkiePony said "Ho Ho Ho, I've done it again! Those neckbeard won't know what hit them! There's no way the can beat me now! Blah, blah-blah, blah-blah, I'm a cow".
Enter based user Suhosin, who, within the glorious confines of his basement, put this poor tortured teenager PinkiePony in her place.
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That's right. That's PinkiePony's work thrown back in her face, in all it's sketched glory. He even goes on to provide several more images, available here. Stunned and defeated, our recordings show PinkiePony cried for 20 minutes, then yelled to her mother to bring her "some god damn ice cream so I can deal with these misogynist CIS white male scum on the internet, WAAAAAAAAAA-" and that's when our microphone broke. Thanks Capper, you cheap fucker.
Yes, yes it was all lulz worthy indeed, but perhaps the best part came at the end, when a forgotten image shows Pinkie's love for that emasculated horse dick.
...You know for as much shit as I give tumblr, this is pretty hot. This is MLPcritic now saying, IWTCISA
Yes, yes it was all lulz worthy indeed, but perhaps the best part came at the end, when a forgotten image shows Pinkie's love for that emasculated horse dick.
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God bless you based the-smiling-pony |
Full response tumblr thread here
Lesbian shipping...
Thanks to an anonymous user in the comments below, we have uncovered the full extent of PinkiePony's hypocrisy and smut handling nature. In her drawings, she shows us horny day dreams in incredibly inappropriate times...
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She didn't even persecute a male for thinking of sex. Disappointing. |

Or pretty much the worse shit, especially for someone who claims to be so big on morality and attacked blogs like Molestia (which, by the way, never went this far), is HER FUCKING FOALCON DRAWINGS

Well so goes the old saying, PinkiePony. Don't preach what you can't practice. You're a liar, a hypocrite, an annoyance, and the day you grow up is a day of celebration for me and every pony community member in general. You're not above anyone in this fandom. Get over yourself.
An almost full archive can be seen here.
Thanks Anon for delivering AGAIN in the comments, I'm making you an honorary investigator for Horse-News, you glorious bastard. With this new update, I'm bringing to your attention PinkiePony's blatant Molestia look a like. Done worse, if I might add. This here is Alicorn Princess Diaries episode 1. Admittedly, the artwork is pretty well done but my goodness how the autism flows. Take a look.

Ya kind of weird isn't it? Same humor as the very same thing she claims was evil only horribly formatted, clunky delivery, and not as funny.
It's with this discovery, along with the two other episodes of her little rip off, that we've made a final analysis about this whole shit storm. Not only is PinkiePony a hypocrite and a pessimistic and annoying "CIS scum" cult member.
She's jealous as hell. And she wanted her page to be the one and only home for Celestia comics with sex jokes.
(For more information on what you can do to stop this, see comments below)
We here at Horse-News would like to say we fully support the LGBT community. In fact, everyone of our staff members are complete faggots, especially Scoots.
Her gallery was remarkably easy to fap to. I see now that DWM was just a cunning business move to eliminate rival clop artists.
ReplyDeleteThis is a stunning possibility! We'll get our most mediocre writers investigating immediately.
DeleteI'll get right too it boss!
DeleteYou're not Scoots...
DeleteWhat the hell is "DWM" anyway?
DeleteDown With Molestia, the blog she made dedicated to erasing Molestia off the face of the internet
DeleteIf www.horse-news.com hates mlp at least act like it. Most of the people who work for this website go around accusing people of "clopping" to this stuff, which more then half the bronies would never do that, Including me, every employee i've met already knows half the names off the show "Maybe more then that," and at least 6 of the "Supposive employee's from the website" I've talked to, get nervous when I confront them about it. From me, and multiple friends that I have, our experience with bronies is that they are a lot nicer then the average person. I have met over 100 bronies and not one of them have been rude to me in any way, the only times we say that people hate us, is when they actually act out first. Trust me, almost every brony you will meet, is nice like that, and doesn't jump to conclusions like those critic scum bags do. And i'm only saying "scum bags" not to be rude, but to point out how dimwitted they are at their pathetic acts to screw people away from us. Honestly we aren't the bad guys here. It's all up to whoever wants to "Come out of the stable" for once. Honestly if they are going to pose a positive name "Horse News" And then go off on bronies like there's no tomorrow, it's just another group of haters in my eyes. In all honesty if they want to do this for a living, then instead of down with Molestia, down with the website.
DeleteAnd she drew a shitty Molestia rip-off! And FOALCON! Don't forget the FOALCON!
ReplyDeleteExcuse me? Where would one find this, this could be a great update?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@MLP critic
DeleteI don't know if that's going to be enough. Every single time someone has pointed out her hypocrisy, she makes up some kind of goddamn excuse to say, "You, society, have to love me, because I'm always right, and everyone else is wrong."
But she has literally done exactly what her campaign against molestia and her criticisms about people who like this stuff. It's now up to someone not completely fucking brainwashed to take info like this and make their own judgement.
DeleteAre we sure this wasn't made before Molestia?
@MLP Critic
DeleteIt was made before DWM, in march 2013.
Which makes it pretty obvious why she threw the shitfit in the first place. She has built her whole personality around "I'm an MLP fan on the internet" and then someone else came and did the exact same thing she did, just that he became a few thousand times more popular with it.
She literally has nothing else and then someone beat her at the last thing she has - and he didn't even have the vagina bonus!
She moans about sexualized ponies, she gets caught, and people STILL make excuses for her, even when the motherfuckin' excuses are directly contrary to what they've been saying up until now.
DeleteThe latest bullshit line seems to be "sexualized ponies are okay, but you should tag them", and guess what? None of her clippity clops are tagged! Any kid who stumbles across her blog could find them just as easily as they could find her "Derpy Obamacare" picture.
Oh, by the way, she drew a picture of Derpy pulling the plug on "Obamacare" last November. When I emailed her about this, she called me a "fruitbowl" and rattled a bunch of cans.
ReplyDeleteThe worst thing is that she probably still will have people backing her bullshit.
ReplyDeleteWe have a small window of opportunity before she takes this stuff down, Permissions@hasbro.com Tell them about unauthorized usage of IP and obviously the foalcon as an addendum.
ReplyDeleteIt's not like she can deny she made them either. Her signatures are clearly on them
DeleteRight, I just sent of my letter to permissions@hasbro.com. I also CC'd HasbroBrandPR@hasbro.com. Permissions will care about the IP, PR will care about the child porn.
ReplyDeleteBased anon.
Deletebased as fuck
Deleteok, let's make up a new word. it's 2014 after all.
Deletemake it a horse pun, too.
DeleteIf this is true, do you think Hasbro will throw the C&D at her?
DeleteShe's making money off their property, so yeah. You do NOT fuck with a corporation's bread and butter.
DeleteIf we want this to move a little quickly, though, repeated snitching will help lube the wheels. Multiple complains about the same target will definitely draw more attention.
Do not do this unless you wish to hurt the fandom in general. Hasbro has been very lax with their property so far, but if we start rattling the beehive...
DeleteHow fucking stupid do you think we are, April? You rattled a lot of goddamn beehives for months on end, and now it's payback time. Karma is a bitch in stilleto heels, little girl.
By the way, already sent my complaint to Hasbro last weekend. If you beg and grovel more, maybe a time portal will open up and you can stop me!
How stupid do I think you are? Stupid enough to completely miss the point of the message and starting calling me April.
DeleteHow about all the people making money or fame off of Hasbro get a real job?
DeleteThat or you want to single out a group of fans from one or another. Personally, I don't mind a good trainwreck and it's not like the MLP reviewers are exclusively doing MLP stuff any more.
This is some hilarious shit.
ReplyDeleteoh my good lord
ReplyDeleteif her militant followers that are all dead set on the whole no clop/R34/sexy time artwork shit and STILL continue to support her, all it proves is that they just wanted a anti-male MLP fan circlejerk
which, considering it's fucking tumblr, isn't all that surprising at the end of the day
Holy fuck this is great. Props to you faggots for the good read
ReplyDeleteRegarding the Sweetie/Scootaloo pic, I remember her arguing that" it was just a cute kiddy thing where kids hug and boop noses all the time, I've seen kids do it all the time, it's totally you disgusting bronies who are seeing anything more into it!"
ReplyDeleteI have no caps, but that was basically her excuse/damage control.
She is such a vile person.
Her identity is so totally comprised of being an mlp fan, that she can't stand icky boys taking it from her, because then she wouldn't be a unique cuh-razy pink haired special snowflake! Because without mlp, she has, and is, nothing.
But she's more lolsorandumb than anon, that means she's funny and you should love her for it. Anon needs to respect her because she's totally so attractive right?
DeleteHer justification doesn't make any sense when you look at the picture. The two foals clearly don't look excited (well, in the way children would normally be anyways), and are giving each other the "fuck me" eyes. I could see her now saying that their eyes are like that because they're sleepy, but that also wouldn't make sense in the context that they're rough playing.
DeleteIf she does this with her sister, she really is a monster
DeleteWhy am I not surprised of this.
ReplyDeleteBecause we've already been so shocked about this chick and her idiotic nature that nothing is even that bad anymore. Its just better to point and laugh
DeleteHow long till the cunt an heros?
ReplyDeleteAs hilarious as that is, I genuinely don't want that to happen. I just want a bratty teenager to get her fucking parents to take control and keep her away from this stuff she can just grow up and let men play with their ponies.
DeleteCan we all just mail her parents concerned letters at their workplace so that PP can't steal the mail out of their mailbox?
ReplyDeleteThis seems like the best course of action. We don't need anything violent or autistic, simply find her parents' work and let them know what's going on in a logical manner.
DeleteOperation: 2 in the Pink
Operation: 2 Parents 1 Letter
DeleteFor those of you who are trying to report Pinkiepony to Hasbro for a C&D and tasty medicine, I have the telephone number to the PR/legal department. (401) 727-5546
ReplyDeleteAnd for Hasbro Inc. itself, 1 800 242 7276
Let's not. We don't want to start a report war with Hasbro.
DeleteGood job, guys. I'm impressed by what you found.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be doing some deep cover. I'll be lulling Pinkiepony into a false sense of security. I'm already talking to the bitch. Live, via Second Life. What are your orders, fellow horsefuckers?
ReplyDeleteDo what you must
DeleteRemember our main goal is her parents, not her. They need to step up here, but calling her on her bullshit wouldn't be that bad
DeleteCopy that. But as long as I'm on second life, I'm gonna need a guide on this. I'm already working on "befriending" her. But It's going slower than molasses. Any ideas?
DeleteI'll pull up some bullshit out of my ass from back in my hometown. Is there any way I could discuss this further with you or anyone else here? I want to see this bitch burn as much as you do. But I can't do this alone. I'm gonna need help.
DeleteTalk about how much you hate male bronies and how you basically think men in general are just good for sex if you're (pretending to be) a woman. Cat call a male avatar if you have to. Insta-trust for sexists!
DeleteI'll do what I can. You cats got skype, meet me there, and we'll arrange a pattern of attack. Godspeed.
Order a bunch of pizzas delivered to her house, then steal them all and don't share them with her.
DeleteYou're not helping.
You better not get anchovies you prick...
DeleteAsk her about Utopia Planitia, which is Fall of Equestria, but with the genders reversed. See if she's into it. If we can get her to follow and defend it, we can then call her out as a rape apologist, which would completely destroy what little credibility she has left.
DeleteExcellent. I could make use of this. Utopia Planitia. All right. I'll start my mission again tomorrow, and see if ol' April knows of this.
DeleteOkay, as to what I know:
Delete1- She would probably love it if you told her you got on a chat where bronies were saying stuff on her and you defended her;
2- Befriend her friends too; they might help you even without knowing it;
3- Give her ideas on what to say to defend her drawings (or her stuff whatev) (Anyway we all know they'Re wrong) (She thinks they'Re good, tell her so)
4- Since she post selfies on her blog, tell her how much you think she's gorgious on these (don't put too much here, she might get some doubt if you do...)
And thats pretty much it. I'll be glad to bring more help later.
ReplyDeleteLooks like some "feminist" have much to explain hahahahaha!!11!!!
ReplyDeleteEveryone remind The Daily Dot that they just sided with someone who draws foalcon!
ReplyDeleteYou go and email them that
ReplyDeleteDaily Dot thinks we're monsters for prank ordering pizzas! Now bronies will look bad! Oh, the shame! The shame of it all!
ReplyDeleteOther than the point they have about some bronies threatening her, if that's true, I thought the article really had no point. But ya, if some of you idiots are literally threatening rape or violence then you literally deserve to be called autistic. The goal is to get her parents involved, or the very least get her to get over it and just ignore other parts of the fandom she doesn't like (example: Mando)
DeleteHey Daily Dot readers! You see all that sexualized pony art? It comes from the same person who literally said sexualizing ponies are wrong, yet RIGHT NOW is still very willing to take commissions for this exact same kind of thing. It's exactly like some politican being against gay rights, getting caughting banging another dude in a restroom stall, and then continuing to bang said dude in said restroom stall while going "Well, it's not like we're married or anything! Now THAT would be wrong!".
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely, positively no question of PinkiePony's hypocrisy. Don't let her play you as fools. If you still have doubt, there are plenty of people who are willing and eager to enlighten you.
Remember to send a email to permissions@hasbro.com.. also CC'd HasbroBrandPR@hasbro.com. dont forget to link her tumblr in the email. She sells mlp art on her tumblr, so she can be technically be sent a C&D
ReplyDeleteAlso add that she is abusive to members of the MLP community
dont forget to spread the word
Her art is way too uncanny valley for me to get-off to.
ReplyDeleteI always had a hard time trusting females that use big circles to dot their i's since 6th grade. Little heartbreaker that one.
ReplyDeleteI didn't mind PP at all just until now, I was like "Let the bitches whine"
ReplyDeleteBut now... Damn, now... If she has little to any credibility at all after this, she's not the only hypocrite here.
Contact her parents, please, just contact her parents, this girl needs some spanking, that's how we learnt stuff in the old days!
That's what my parents did, and I turned out great! Writing for a news site based on a little girls cartoon show. Success, you are mine.
DeletePersonally, I think it would be great to update this with all the bullshit they threw at giga.
ReplyDeleteHey, you know how PP claims to have 7,000+ followers? Well, I checked out her average note count and unless it's some shit that someone can reblog and go "I agree with this" to, her average note count rarely reaches 100. I know not everyone who follows a blog likes and/or reblogs anything, but compare this to Ask Princess Gaming Luna. PP has 7,000+ followers and few posts PP makes can get a few hundred notes AT BEST. (The two posts she made a couple weeks back trying to sell her t-shirts got less than a dozen notes) Gaming Luna has 11,000+ followers and got 2,000+ notes in two days. Math was never my best subject, but even I think there's something up with these numbers.
ReplyDeleteI have a very, very strong suspicion that PP is- sit down for this shocker- lying about her follower count. It explains the unusually low note count and it would explain how over 1,000 people would suddenly unfollow anyone.
In all honesty she COULD have that many just to see what shit she pulls next. The note count is a reflection of how much people who ENJOY her are. Those 7,000, if true, would be made up of a lot of people who just want to see her stuff and report her. Personally, I don't have a tumblr, nor do I want to get involved with such autism, but I'm sure some accounts have been made for that
DeleteI've been on Tumblr for a couple years and I can tell you notes from posts that aren't passed around a lot reflect your follower count. The note count is absolutely NOT a reflection of how many people enjoy a thing. Reblogs add notes too, so if someone tells someone else off in a reblog and a lot of people like what THAT person said, it's not necessarily the OP they're liking.
DeleteHer typical note count strongly suggests that either she doesn't have that many actual followers or that most of her followers are just assholes who will follow back anyone and don't actually read anything she posts.
Now someone should go and report her to Hasbro, so they can get her in big trouble.
ReplyDeleteI already did that recently. How do you think I got the phone number I posted a couple of days ago?
DeleteDon't you guys have anything better to do?
ReplyDeleteYou read it.
DeleteSo clearly just as much to do as you.
Just so you know her Exboyfriends (God help them) even called her out on her shit!
Know what else is funny, she runs a blog called, Ask-Mole-stia, which includes sex jokes, and things referencing to sex. Not to mention, she tries to get everything like Molly, including the 'only purple and pink' lineart. Disgusting.
ReplyDeletelol, more hypocrisy.
she says it's okay if you tag it as nsfw, but she never tagged hers as such
Gentlemen I have located PinkiePony's new tumblr, it is positivelypinkie.tumblr.com . Be vigilant, for she may reform her old tumblr. If you think she is reforming her tumblr, inform 4chan and reddit. We will wipe out this pestilence should she try again.
ReplyDeleteThis is all new news to me. This bitch needs to be put in her place and remember she's not the center of the fucking world.
ReplyDeleteOkay look you atheist neckbearded fuckers. She isn't promoting rape. That was the whole point you dumbasses. Her drawings aren't bad, she can draw sexual stuff. SEXUAL STUFF DOESNT HAVE TO BE RAPE YOU ASSHOLES. THIS FANDOM IS SHIT AND YOH GUYS SHOULD BE ASHAMED.
ReplyDelete^ This guy. She was promoting rape. There's screen caps of her actually wanting rape from other characters for her characters. Just look on Encyclopedia Dramatica, but I bet you'll come up with some other bullshit to defend, you idiot. She's already in enough trouble for trying to deport someone. She's facing serious charges :) She just had to poke the wasps nest...
ReplyDeleteAre you seriously citing Encyclopedia Dramatica as a reliable source?
DeleteIt isn't credible, but that's a good point, I've personally seen her mess around with other shit on the web and having "characters" raped. Bottom line, the person above that just defended her, is indeed a fool.
DeleteED isn't credible unless they have screen caps and the links to the origin of the pictures/posts for proof (You know, for the lulz). And if there's that, you can't argue. So don't get bitchy that Anon is citing ED because after I just looked (at the real posts and pictures of her), she indeed loves rape in her fan art.
DeleteWhich part of her Enclypoedia Dramtica article is false exactly? None of those screens were doctured so I'm curious here
DeleteI fuckin' love MLP. I fuckin' dislike what the fandom has become. And, yeah, I didn't like the Princess Molestia blog, but at least they straight up said that it was an ALTERNATE version of the character and didn't directly say "CELESTIA RAPES HER FRIENDS LOL"
ReplyDeleteAlso, yeah, PP is a frickin' hypocrite. I don't respect what she's done, she is apparently against misogyny yet sexualizes ponies /herself/, furthering the bad name for bronies. I'm a pegasister and a feminist. PP doesn't do shit for the fandom OR feminism. She just took credit when it was convenient so she could be hoisted high, when all she really did was complain about shit instead of re-enforcing positive action.
But none of this excuses a bunch of GROWN-ASS MEN THREATENING TO RAPE/KILL THIS KID OVER A NON-CANON BLOG. Also I'm not defending her as a female, I'm defending her as a sane human being, I'd say the same if she were a dude.
So tl;dr, PinkiePony is a failure at feminism and a hypocrite who only attributes to ruining the fandom, but that doesn't mean she should be raped/killed. Just mocked.
DeleteThe average twitter argument goes like this:
Delete1>I like toast.
2>I don't like toast.
1> You should be raped and murdered.
3>You are all cishet scum.
This has been internet 101.
What do you know?!
DeleteVic Club so huu kho game bai da dang voi nhieu the loai nhu Tien Len, Phom, Mau Binh, Lieng, Xi To, Xi Dach, Poker… Moi game deu duoc thiet ke do hoa 3D sinh dong , de su dung phu hop voi moi doi tuong tu nguoi moi bat dau den cao thu. Diem dac biet la chung toi dang ap dung cong nghe AI giup ban choi cong bang khong co hien tuong gian lan.https://playvicclub.com/
ReplyDeleteNếu bạn đang tìm kiếm một nền tảng trò chơi trực tuyến để giải trí và kiếm thưởng, tipclub có thể là một sự lựa chọn thú vị. tipclub có thể cung cấp các chương trình khuyến mãi hoặc giải đấu đặc biệt, giúp tăng thêm cơ hội thắng thưởng cho người chơi. Các phần thưởng có thể được quy đổi thành tiền mặt hoặc các quà tặng hấp dẫn khác. https://tipclub.games/