Charity Auction for Reddit Tears Tomorrow

At noon tomorrow, the folks at will be hosting a charity auction via livestream. The goal: kick other fandoms' asses and get the bragging rights. Oh and also do some sort of charity in there somewhere but who cares about that. The auction is for a comission from one of the artists listed below.


The whole thing is hosted by this guy named Shroo The winning bidder will be asked to donate their bid to direct relief. If you win, send them proof of your donation and the artist will set to work on your commission. Some artists will be hosting multiple bids in a day, so you can drop into throughout the day.

The event will be hosted on bronytv. This is all part of the Combined Community Charity Challenge
which is some sort of ongoing le reddit competition between fanbases. The My Little Pony community is up against The Last Airbender, Adventure Time and Harry Potter subreddits for the prize of getting a MLP mascot in the reddit-wide header. There are also prizes for the participants. It's widely agreed a fact that the MLP Reddit community is pretty shit, but the chance of tears from the whole of reddit are worth the sacrifice. The CCCC is divided into 3 phases: Computing, Creation and Charity. The challenges end at the end of the month. UPBOATS!

Comments (1)

  1. well at least take it out to dinner first, and while you're at it, donate some fuckin money to the CCCC!
