Amy Mebberson doesn't take wincest as a compliment (GLORIOUSLY UPDATED)

Amy after her first visit to anywhere outside twitter
Amy Mebberson, an artist at IDW comics who works on the MLP comic series, was traumatized today after the realization that incest is in fact wincest.

Muffelson's tragic accident occurred when she visited a dirtier, lower tier fandom site when she saw the responses to her cover art for the Twilight and Shining Armor comic "Friends Forever". Reading the disgusting and happy comments of brony perverts, she slipped on the pasta flowing from her screen and fainted

Horn touch = fucking. Come on this is basic shit people
After recovering from slipping on the under cooked linguini, she decided twitter would be her best venting tool. That's when her frustrations grew to the point of unbearable anger and blind fury, resulting in the post above. That's right, shippers. Amy Mumbleson is coming for your ass. She hates everyone of you faggots, and will use her trained skills of having a vagina to take all your milk money.

In the /mlp/ thread accompanying this news, there were a plethora of different responses. Some simply believe it was a playful jab at the autism that is the brony community, others thought it was totally obvious that Twily and Shiny had bedroom eyes & were gonna bump magical uglies, a few replied that she was over reacting, and a few thought since it was her creation, she had every right to criticize the critics. Everyone, though, agreed FinalDraft should just go suck a dick.

However, I believe this one was not only my favorite reply, but the one that made the best point.
This post opens so many questions that need to be answered. We here at Horse News are sending our best writers and Scoots to answer these questions for all twelve of our devoted readers. In the meantime, we will be keeping an eye on IncestGate2014, and reporting more as the story develops.


Andy Price, fellow illustrator of the comics, confirmed for also not taking wincest as being the compliment it truly is.

For the record, my mind is no longer in the gutter. Granted it's been in much worse places than the gutter, but it is no longer there at least.

UPDATE: Sherclop Pones enters the fray

For those of you who don't know, Sherclop Pones is the creator of "Friendship is Witchcraft", in which TwilightXShining incest is a running joke. The series explains that this is "not creepy" however, because in the parody, Shining Armor was adopted after having been dropped off on the doorstep of Twilight's home.

We at Horse News do not approve of any lewd ships that may be completely out of the question under the law. So readers in Alabama, yur cuzin fuckin' is perfectly fine with us.

Comments (18)

  1. It's basically already over anyways, as Capper has capped and will probably already be updated by the time I post this.

  2. I called her out on her bullshit over on twitter, and she saw it fit to block me. If she's going to act this way when people tell her to stop being butthurt over something stupid, and just rage and vent her anger on her customers, then fuck her. Fuck her until kingdom come. I will NEVER support or patronize any of her artwork, or professional pieces ever again. This is the way you treat your customers? Then you won't get a goddamn dime from me, lady!

    1. See kids over reacting isn't fun

    2. Not sure I understand. Were you referring to me or her?

    3. Oh. Either way, you're OK by me.

    4. Still confused about something, MLP critic. How am I overreacting?

    5. I just feel like she over reacted by blocking and getting mad at the fandom, and you getting mad and freaking out like this is a bit much bro

    6. It wasn't my intention to overreact. By calling her out the way I did, I hoped to accomplish two things; first, I hope to point out to all potential customers that you do not have to be treated this way by Amy Mebberson, or anybody else for that matter. By doing business with people like Amy Mebberson, you allow her to get away with it. Secondly, I hope to slap other artists and business owners across the face and force them to proactively be certain that they (in the artists' case) all of their employees know how to treat and talk to customers. Amy Mebberson obviously didn't do that with me and the rest of the fandom, and I hope it was worth thousands of dollars down the drain to her.

  3. FYI, the number of women on /mlp/ is higher than most people believe; you just don't notice them because they're not unbearable cunts.

    1. This. This is the right response. They don't want to feel special from any other person, so they're not noticed. But most women in the SPOTLIGHT of the fandom, the ones making waves, aren't making it for the good reasons

    2. Well said.

  4. This is nice blog.

  5. "You guys made that comic book artist hate us"

  6. Since she has Elsa as her profile pic, I feel obligated to point out the fact Elsanna (Elsa x Anna from Frozen) is the best incest ship ever.

    1. Lets just hope she never gets into that fandom. I don't think she could handle it.

  7. She can't handle it, indeed, and it's going to be a problem for her in the long run. We now live in a world where artist criticism is a very bad thing; that's the world we live in now. And it's infuriating.
